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New Quarterly Flat Panel Data Reveals Q2 Volume Growth

Flat panels sold into the global presentation and digital signage markets continue to exhibit resilience, with year-on-year volume growth of 3% for Q2 2022. That’s according to the latest market track report from Futuresource Consulting. And while the growth is only single-digit, Q2 is still one of the highest ever performing quarters, highlighting the market confidence that is evident across most flat panel categories.

“Generally, the market is holding out well and staying strong,” says Sean Bradley, Senior Market Analyst, Futuresource Consulting, “yet despite the volume increase, we did see value take a dip. That’s due to a range of factors, including rising competition and a general reduction in unit production costs.”

Mainstream Flat Panel Market Captures Share

The mainstream market, consisting of entry level/prosumer, mid-range and high-end offerings, remains the largest product category, commanding 49% of total volume. It continues to increase its share of the overall segment by volume, while interactive still contributes the most to value, due to its high value product mix.

APAC Leads the way, 2k and 4k Break New Ground in China
At the regional level, APAC continues to dominate, propelled forward by the weight of Samsung and LG. In particular, digital signage is growing apace, posting a 79% year-on-year increase in volume. China heads up the APAC charge, as 2k and 4k displays continue to steal market share from 1080p, while 8k remains in its infancy.

A Flat Panel Success Story

“Slow and steady is now the name of the game for the flat panel market,” says Bradley, “and It will pay dividends. This year, we expect the market to surpass eight million units for the first time on record. Plus, it’s going to power through a key financial milestone, sailing past the $20 billion barrier to end the year on $22 billion. Whichever way you look at it, 2022 is shaping up as a flat panel success story.”

For more information on the new Worldwide Quarterly Flat Panel Market Track report from Futuresource Consulting, please contact

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About the author

Sean Bradley

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