Author: Paul Wylie
Date Published:
This content creation market survey and sizing report covers audio interfaces, mixers, headphones, microphones and studio monitors within studio, broadcast and home recording applications.
A key component of this report is 16,000 consumer surveys, carried out to understand the home content creation market. Product ownership, creation activities carried out at home, and a wide range of purchasing and usage habits have been explored across the USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil, China and India. Futuresource also conducted 30 interviews with leading hardware manufacturers, to support the sizing of key audio product markets in content creation.
The report provides detailed end user information for any enterprise operating within content creation markets, as well as delivering data on content creation market size and opportunities.
Content creation saw explosive growth across pandemic years, with additional spare time and reduced spending being global trends. Both were extremely beneficial dynamics driving growth in home studios. Looking at 2020 and 2021, these years saw consistent growth continuing across the total market.
Home studio declines in 2022 have continued into 2023, where the residual pandemic demand and delayed purchases from supply constraints, aided in preventing a more dramatic decline. With macroeconomic pressures and reduced consumer confidence, 2023 saw the market continuing to decline overall at 5.9%. Solely driven by the home studio readjusting to its post pandemic levels, whereas the professional market saw slow stability already returning. Moving forward, the overall market will see stable long term growth, with the home studio remaining established at its new level and the professional markets seeing gradual investment and upgrades.
| 167-page comprehensive PDF report
| Executive summary
| Market assessment
| Market drivers and COVID-19
| The content creator population
| Audio and music
| Video creators
| Popular leading products
| Home studio regional analysis
| Pro studio and broadcast versus home studio
| Product analysis - mixing consoles
| Product analysis – microphones
| Product analysis - audio interfaces
| Product analysis - studio monitors
| Product analysis – pro headphones
| End user research and extended survey analysis
| Content creator landscape and user types
| Influence of online on content creation
| Brands used for audio content creation
| Brands used for video content creation
| Purchase considerations
| Accompanying Excel spreadsheets
| Content creation market
| End user feedback based on 16,000 interviews
| Six key pro audio product areas, namely loudspeakers, microphones, mixing consoles, amplifiers, headphones and audio interfaces.
| Eight key geographies, namely the USA, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Brazil, China and India
| Market assessment and forecasting, out to 2025
Futuresource has a long heritage of providing global research and consulting services to a range of industry sectors, including consumer electronics, broadcast equipment, professional displays, entertainment content, education technology, electronics storage and imaging products.
Any business with interests in the consumer audio market or pro audio market will benefit from this content creator report, particularly:
| Manufacturers and their suppliers
| Intermediaries and supply chain
| Retailers
| CE market strategists, marketing and sales professionals
| Investors
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Date Published:
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